Mircosoft Windows 11 System Education Edition faollashtirish

Windows 11 Ta'lim mahsuloti kalitini faollashtirish usuli:

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Boshlash menyusi – O'ng tugmasini bosing – Sozlamalar – faollashtirish – mahsulot kalitini o'zgartiring – sotib olingan qo'zg'alish kodini kiriting – nusxa ko'chirish.

Windows 11 Education ActivationWindows 11 Education ActivationWindows 11 Education ActivationWindows 11 Education ActivationWindows 11 Education Activation

Agar uni faollashtirib bo'lmasa, it will prompt that the activation code has been used on another device (008 error)


If there is a phone activation option under the changed product key, click it directly,
If there is no option, press the keyboard Win + R, enter slui 4, and then confirm (there is a space in front of 4), select phone activation, and select any country,Keyingisi, send me the numbers in groups 1-9. We will help you solve this problem